EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy
Undigested challenges and traumas can overwhelm our systems until we process and integrate them. EMDR is a well researched therapeutic technique that works with triggers, trauma, nightmares, chronic pain, addiction and areas of stuckness through the use of eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation. This method can be a helpful addition to reducing symptoms and resolving old traumas so that we can live a more easeful life. My EMDR orientation incorporates working with parts, relational and somatic processes.
My focus is working with complex and developmental PTSD, but EMDR can be helpful for shock trauma as well. In this vein, I can offer a pre-verbal processing technique that can incorporate somatic process and bi-lateral stimulation to release trauma that happened before working memory began.
I also utilize the EMDR techniques, Four Blinks and Flash Technique. These treatments are a bit more gentle on the nervous system and can support very severe triggers coming down in an even softer way than traditional EMDR. They are also quite effective, and can be used in conjunction with EMDR or on their own. This modality is offered in ongoing fifty minute sessions or you can choose to utilize it in a short term therapy framework. See link below to learn more about short term therapy options.